Saturday, April 19, 2014

exam maniac

'The reason why people give up so fast is that they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten'

This happens to everyone and we need to realize that not everything will come easy in life. In order to gain something you have to work hard, you have to keep trying , you have to keep yourself motivated that you CAN do it. insyaAllah and the most importantly, is to have faith in Allah. If we look at how far we've gotten we'd realize how much we've actually got done. There's no point of worrying about what's ahead because it's going to cause nothing but stress and worries. Focus on now, focus on what you've done so far and you'll realize how happy you actually are with yourself Alhamdulillah.

Don't give up because the journey seems impossible, long or too hard. Nothing is impossible Fatimah Zaharah! No matter what happens, no matter how many times others put you down, no matter how many times you fall, always always get back up!! it may be hard, but who said life was easy?

Just remember, focus on how far you've come, Giving up now is worse. Don't do that! Promis yourself tht no matter what happens you won't give up, you will keep going and you can do it. insyaAllah! :)

'And whoever relies upon Allah and puts all His trust in Him, He will enough for Him' 
 Quran 65:3

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