Saturday, March 2, 2013


Last saturday, we had Explorace event. CALORIES DEFICIT CALORIES DEFICIT! hoboi, it was totally amusing!!Best giler!! Last year, i was helping out for one of the checkpoint with adi and ros, but this year, its my time to shine! wohooooo! overexcited yeahh i know! 

anyway, this is my groupmates, GROUP 2, ULTRAMAN, with the proud slogan, 

dari kiri (gadis2) : me, kak linah, arina, k temah (belakang), siti (depan), kak muni (belakang)
jejaka2 : paan, amil ,kathi (vj)

haha tengok tu gambar, da ada gaya menang da kitorang kan,
 muahahaha *berlagak, blh tampar sekarang*

There were 10 checkpoints all together, and each checkpoint will be given 2clues : clues to the next checkpoint and if the task in the checkpoint is completed, we will get the clues to get to the final checkpoint.

so here goes the checkpoints (group 2 routes)
1. vystaviste flora (green hut)
2. astronomical clock (picture of the paintings on the walls)
3. botanicka zahrada (german language)
4. library (300 degree from the tram stop)
5. omega (ohm ohm ohm)
6. nadrazi mesto (children fly up to the sky, flower building)
7. ukovarni (trampoline, futsal)
8. letiste belakang neredin (the proud bird of the golden tail)
9. Globus
10. fakultni nemocnice (math countings)

These are the tasks at the checkpoints that i can recall
1. vystaviste flora (arnold, tiqa, nisa) 2 tasks :
*MULTIPLICATION game* the questions is repeated 3 times by Arnold , and we have to provide the answers as soon as he finished questioning the 3rd times.
~berkarat otak dah lama tak main sifir. i got multiple 9 ones, fuhhh, jerit teross bila dia ulang yg kali ke 3!!
*MAKAN NASI GARAM without making any facial expression. AT ALL!
~ the rice actually comes with different flavours for each group; garam/gula/masam etc
our group dapat nasi garam. kesian kak muni sampai nk termuntah-muntah dia

2.Astronomical clock (qiela, ely, fateen)
*pop quiz, general questions about centrum in Olomouc.We were required to answer 10 questions, the clue was ,anything about centrum.
  -I am old, and I had a farm. Who am I?  MCDONALD
  -The air is for the rich and the sea is not for the impatient.But either one is up to you. Mind you, i am just       going to where you want me to go.So dont blame the delivery guy if you got the address wrong C.POSTA 
  -I used to be a Roman General before. But now I like to cook and open a new restaurant in Olomouc? 
  can you guess what is the name of my restaurant? CAESAR
  -in nominative form, my name basically means white. but it is funny, really, that i'm actually yellow and red
  -how much is the cost of ___ * i cant recall the name of the food* in cinska restaurant
  -how many floors does Terranova have? 3
  -Bricks in singular? BATA
  -I used to hear people screaming, singing and even scolding me. I always confuse and asked why must it
  happened to me? could you tell me what am I? OPERA/MORAVSKE DIVADLO
  -I am a rooster. Usually, in Malaysia, they let me be on the ground and I can play all day long. But here in
  Olomouc there put me high up to the sky. I am working and I love it. Do you know where i work?
  -what is the telephone no of CASTELLO restaurant?
  -The meaning of my name is castle in Latin. But in Malaysia many people will talk about Rosyam Nor if
  hear my name. In Olomouc they love to eat my cooking. Can you guess what is my name? CASTELLO

~for this checkpoint, we managed to finish in about 5mins, kak Linah lari semangat nak mencari no telefon Castello tu. bgus giler kak LINAH!! leader terbaikkkk

3.Botanicke Zahrada, (sara, jac, mag)
*DSLR for DUMMIES. we have to choose a card which written a name of the group member.There were only 2 cards and we have to pick one. The card that we picked was written Kak Timah's name. hahha kesian kak timah. Kak Timah said she doesnt know how to set DSLR camera. thats exactly the purpose for the game. They picked 'DSLR dummies' for the game. hahhaha. Kak Timah will have to set the timer on her own. If they found the group members are helping ,there will be some punishment. haha , sara,jac and mag warned us again and again 'Ingat, every action comes with consequences' = =  but finally, kak timah did a great job. We have to choose the background and set ourselves the arrangement and stuff. but all in all, the task i can say quite an easy one :P

4.LIBRARY (izat, yana, ikram)
MATHEMATIC, zzz , they gave us numericals and symbols, calculate and find our own formula to get the answer 1. yeyy alhamdulillah, i got it! (5x3x2\6) -4 , then ,square root equals to 1! tengok group before, dorang kena denda conteng dekat muka,hehehe

5.OMEGA (haziq, vera,zuen)
SKIPPING, TWISTER, BLOWING THE FLOUR GAME/TONGUE TWISTER. haha this station sangat kelakaaaaaa, pecah perut gelak tengok aksi dorang! each group need to send 8 contestant. 4 girls and 4 boys. Pick a card which written a number. That number will determine how many rounds for the twist part. The task for girls is ,skipping and twist and read a text of tongue twister . For boys, they have to do the skipping + twister + blowing the flour.
~ since our group consist of only 3boys, i was asked to join the boys group. pergh, sekali aku tak tahan nak pergi tandas. so i run to Omega menyambut seruan alam. ingat balik sempat buat, unfortunately amil replaced me. Kesian dia, da macam epilepticus seizure daaa lps kena twist berapa kali ntah. tapi this station was the funniest ones!

6. NADRAZI MESTO (fana, aidil, aeisyah yazeedah)
TELEPATHY. 4 persons will play, 2 in each round. both will put on a headphone throughout the game. There are 2 sides with 10 pieces of cards,  written on a random question , and the other side, 10 pieces of cards written a random answer. Player A will read a question  and Player B  will choose an answer that might suits to the question given by Player A . Basically both of the players wont be able to listen to one another because loud head-banging songs will be played during the game.
~this game was hilarious. I played with arina. I did the questioning part and she answered me. We basically have good telepathy and chemistry coz most of the questions that i've given, she could managed to answer it correctly. Amil and paan played the 2nd round. so funny. i remember this one question Paan asked amil, who teaches anatomy? Amil answered : Tok Mudim =='hahaha apakah tok mudim ajar anat haha

7. UKOVARNI (fikri, aizuddin, azreen)