Monday, March 11, 2013

Dark Blind

pergh. deep.

came across this ayat today. 

Al-hajj, 22:46 

Oleh itu, bukankah ada baiknya mereka mengembara di muka bumi, dengan melihat kesan-kesan tersebut- mereka menjadi orang-orang yg ada hati dengannya mereka dapat memahami, atau ada telinga yg dengannya mereka dapat mendengar? (tetapi kalaulah mereka mengembara pun tidak juga berguna) kerana keadaan yang sebenarnya BUKANLAH MATA KEPALA YG BUTA, tetapi YG BUTA ITU IALAH MATA HATI YG ADA DI DALAM DADA

So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to fear? For indeed, IT IS NOT EYES THAT ARE BLINDED, but BLINDED ARE THE HEARTS WHICH ARE WITHIN THE BREASTS

deep. sgt deep

sindrom buta hati
truly said, there is deafness more insidious than the ears. 
Blindness and deafness of the heart and mind
born of thoughtlessness, the rote of following others. 

being hypnotized by duniawi. 
haha. am i included? 

living here in Czech Republic for 4 years and a half, i see this kind of heedlessness in the people around me. Seeing them walking about, driving their cars, eating, drinking, glamorous lifestyle, partying, engaging in all sorts of activities. They are like intellectual sleepwalkers ::: like being under hypnosis. Blunted perception. Too many signs around them, but they hardly sees. 

this hypnosis is contagious, spreading widely throughout people around you, influencing a person day and night. Being in a comfort zone and favors whatever opinion is currently fashionable. This blindness makes us perfectly free ; doing whatever we want, and think whatever that pleases us.

its not just them. I was blind too. Blind dark.
Engaged with the same routine everyday, over and over again; wake up in the morning, going to school, eat, drink, studying, internet surfing ,forgetting the main purpose of my creation.
Hypnotized by duniawi.

kalau kita tahu apa sebab kita diciptakan, mesti kita buka mata kita besar-besar kan?

i don't want to be blind.
Allahu, celikkan mataku. celikkan pendengaranku, celikkan mata hatiku