Saturday, March 31, 2012

OSEM : survival tips for future HO LIKE ME! by dr Har

Prof Madya Dr Harlina Haliza Hj Siraj or more affectionately called as Dr Har, came all the way from Malaysia to be the speaker in OSEM 2012. This higly respected doctor is currently one of the obstetrics and gynecology consultant in Hosp. Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM)  

She is one inspiring woman. She's very active involved in community service and volunteering work, contributing to the community even though she's busy serving as a specialist in the hospital.

i really love her attitude, she is so motherly, humble yet confident in delivering her speech. She is also an activist for AQSA SYARIF, non-profit charity organization for the Palestinian cause. What she is now is someone that i wish i can become in the future, even though i have a lot of things to improve and change! I am totally inspired by Dr Har!

Osem was held in Cernigov Hotel, HK and was attended by M'sian medical students all over Czech

i didnt manage to jot down all of the tips that she included in the slides, so I've revised  and simplified '25 survival tips for HO by Dr Harlina' via osem.alifcz

>> The total is 50, i'll write and revise another 25 in the next entry<<

Set your intention right! its not about money, highly respected position or power *zappp* , its about serving who are in need of healthcare.

Have the right attitudes. Being the most jr officer in the team, you really have a lot to catch up and learn. Respect those who are more experienced than you. People with the right attitudes are welcome wherever they go, all the time!

Put on your best smile and outstanding manners. Greet everyone cheerfully with salam, no matter how busy you are. Carve out a big smile helps to stimulate a fountain of endorphins. Feel-good filling will set in. *yes i 200% agree with this theory!*

Work extra hard to convince people that you are reliable, responsible,accountable and able to complete task and meet expectations, within the 1st 2 weeks. Once people know you're committed, you'll gain trust, respect and cooperations

Refresh inner self with daily, constant and effective spiritual input *Timah dengar ini!* DON'T EVER NEGLECT YOUR 5X DAILY PRAYER, NO MATTER HOW BUSY YOU ARE. this will definitely be my cooling oasis to rejuvenate

Mend your bruised heart and dented self-esteem, quickly and effectively. Each time you received unpleasant reminders of upon your incompetency and short-comings from your senior. Its a part and parcel of the job, just admit your mistakes and try hard not to repeat them. Keep doing the same error is a major blunder!

Keep in touch with your loved ones; parents, spouses, close friends etc. Don't shut your life! There is more to life out there than just work or crushing into bed to recover sleep deprivation

Make friend with the nurses, never be their enemy. Life would be much easier if you know how to win their hearts. They will decide whether you will have your meals or not during your calls. 

Forgive those who raised their voices at you. They might be angry patients, stressed up MO's, overwhelmed colleagues, frustrated consultants, irritated nurses. Being a HO, anticipate your 1st experience if you never being shouted at before. Forgive them and live on. After all, we're all just human beings living the same pressure cooker!

Thank God for the honor of being His instrument of Mercy to Mankind. This is a great opportunity at your doorstep to catapult your good self to be bigger than life. Grab this opportunity and seize the golden moments. Nothing compares the feeling of satisfaction whenever your patients and relatives say, Thank you doc! *T_____T

Handle yourself well when dealing with difficult people. Feeling victimized ,bullied and discriminated? Reflect yourself, pluck some courage to meet face-to-face. Clarify, admit  your mistakes and make peace. Things will be fine, InsyaAllah

Express your love to your love ones everyday, using her/his love language. Let them know how their support and understanding means to you. Thank Allah everyday for sending this special person. Share your ups and downs.

Treat your patients as if they are your own parents/relatives. Just as how you would like any other doctor to treat your parents, that's exactly how you should treat your patients. Remember, what goes around, goes around! Motivate them, and you'll feel the positive energy seeping into you too! *300% correct!*

Be sincere in treating your patients, be gentle, and caring. Control your anger and frustration, avoid explosive emotional outburst in front of your patients. If you really need to release the steam, do it in the washroom with the tap running, this is an effective form of anger management

Keep abreast with what's happening around you; medical and non-medical, locally and globally. Read papers, journals, magazines, listen to the new bulletin, engage in general discussion. You're a doc now! *saying it to myself* Have your own opinion. People wants to know what's going on in your brain

Always extend a helping hand to your peers/ colleague HOs. Thats the only way to ensure help comes your way the next time you desperately need one. No No to 'Me,Myself & I' Please! more of 'We& Us' , Be more a sporting team member dear fatimah!

Make effort to remember names esp your patients. Address them appropriately. Make a quick glance at your patient's file and pronounce their full name clearly. Just see how impressed they will be

Endure the disappointment when you discover the realities of the system. Witnessing unprofessional, unethical conducts, far from what you learnt in med school.  

Learn to read your consultant's/specialist's mind. what do they want for you (me) as HO! dedication, commitment, eagerness to learn, willingness to be corrected & guided. 

Keep your room in the HO quarter clean, tidy and cheerful! Hire a keeper if you could afford one. Throw away all the rotten left-overs. Buy an air-freshener and some flowers. Pull up the curtains, let the sunlight in. It should to be a bedroom, not a cave!

Spend your salary wisely. Share your 1st paycheck with your loved ones. Pay up debts/credit card bills. Recall your financial planning lessons. Avoid weekly shopping mall rounds. Window shop with your stomach full, helps you to control your cravings

Push the 'pause' button, get out for some fresh air, watch sunrise/sunset. Reflect and contemplate. Put your perspectives back on tract. Remember, you just a small part of a very complex design. INHALE AND EXHALE. Be grateful to Allah for everything you have!

Volunteer to help arranging the call roaster. Experience the pain accommodating all requests and dealing with unhappy colleagues who could not get their wishes. Best time to learn how to give and take here!

Be friendly and mix around with people. Do not reserve your greetings only for your bosses and VIPs. Greet the staff nurse, cleaners , security guards, gardeners etc. Drink your coffee at the pantry. Stop being choosy and selective. Snobs are lonely people

Pray for your patient's well-being. Support their emotional spiritual needs. Listen to their stories. Don't be afraid to be close to your patients. You will learn how to detach your emotions and rational thinking while looking after patients, so you'll remain objective and professional. Learn the balance to keep the ideal distance between you and your patients

Oh dear, i found every piece of advise that she mentioned above sooooo useful! i've re-write it back and simplified it. Nanti nak jadi HO baca ni balik okes! hopefully this will help me in the future. 

sleepy already. another #25 tips ,i'll write it tomorrow. nk tido!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

love letters

received love letters from the girls! thank you Allah for sending them for me! You always know what to do to cheer me up! LOVE YOU SO MUCH ALLAH!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

He is always there for us.

hoish, listen to this song put me into tears. astaghfirullah, may Allah forgive me. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Fall in love with this hadith, Hadis 36. Immensely #deep

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a, daripada Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya: “Sesiapa yang melepaskan sesuatu kesusahan seorang mukmin dari kesusahan-kesusahan dunia Allah akan melepaskan darinya satu kesusahan dari kesusahan hari Akhirat dan sesiapa melapangkan seorang yang berada di dalam kesempitan Allah akan melapangkan untuknya di dunia dan di akhirat dan sesiapa yang menutup keburukan saudaranya maka Allah akan menutup keburukannya di dunia dan akhirat dan Allah pasti menolong hamba-Nya selagi mana hambanya menolong saudaranya. Dan sesiapa mengikuti satu jalan untuk mencari ilmu Allah akan memudahkan untuknya jalan ke syurga. Tidak berkumpul satu kaum di dalam rumah dari rumah-rumah Allah dan saling belajar dan mengajar antara satu sama lain melainkan turunlah ketenangan atas mereka, rahmat meliputi mereka, para malaikat mengerumuni mereka dan Allah akan menyebut (nama-nama) mereka di sisi-Nya. Dan sesiapa yang kurang amalannya maka nasab (keturunannya) tidak akan dapat menyempurnakannya.”

Ada banyak inti kaya dalam surah ni yang aku belajar. 
1. kita mudahkan orang lain, Allah akan mudahkan kita
2. kita tolong orang lain dlm kesempitan, Allah akan tolong kita bila kita dalam kesempitan
3. kita tutup aib org lain di dunia, Allah akan tutup aib kita dunia akhirat
4. usaha, sebab Allah ckp bila kita usaha cari ilmu tu, Allah akan mudahkan jalan ke syurga
5. its good utk pergi majlis2 ilmu agama, sbb Allah sebut2 nama kita kt arasy' 
6. Ibu ayah takkan dapat tolong tinggikan jumlah amalan kakcik yang sedikit ni.