I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Yes, if winds are strong enough, even a super jumbo like the 380airbus can be flipped right?
Yes, no warning at all.
we (me, Jiha, mel, adz and Fana) were heading Prague for our Adrspach mission, and about 100km near Prague, it just happened.
At that moment when the car was spinning, i was unable to control the car's trajectory. My leg was off the pedal, and i was really confused for a few seconds, i couldn't think of what to do. When our car was facing backwards , my head told me to brake the car. I thought the car in front was getting near, instead our car was moving backwards, probably because of the inertia spinning and the strong wind. It hit the divider at the side of the road, and scratched as far as 50m away. The side mirror was like vegetables, and the door was hardly smashed.
paling i terkilan, i didn't manage utk mengucap. i can sure i'll be in hell if i die on that day. ya Allah!
speechless. how to digest this? i need time
We all have a do-over each waking moment. Take it, savor it and fully live today.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
paediatric state exam Checked!
Alhamdulillah, thanks to the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, weolz passed our Paediatric state exam. aaaaa, i could not believe this , oh bieber, i cannot bilibb youuu. alhamdulillah. Defo this success is not mainly from me solely, this success is His blessings and mercy upon me, tskk, kalau depend dengan usaha sendiri, hmmmpehh, i don't think i can make it. aaa He made it happen. alhamdulillahh
The journey for these almost 8weeks were so much fun. well, paediatric block is defo one of the best block so far. yeahh, learning about them turns out to be a whole different ball game. sebab kanak2 lagi fragile immune system dorang. but those babies in that peads hospital were super cute , aaa cuteness overload ,everyday they never seized to melt ma heart. omooo! well, generally, Czech children are beautiful and cute, with coloured eyes, and chubby cheeks, diorang macam kemam gula2 24jam, aa gerammm rasa nk gigiit je pipi dorang ni.
for 5th year, Paediatric is the most significant subject of the year, its a state exam, one of the big exam that requires me to pass if i want to grad next year. So i took this subject seriously, and the last time i have this kind of determination was 4 years ago, during my 1st year of med school. well you know, the gradient of determination and level of hardwork decreases by year. hhaha. aa syuh2 syaitannirrajim. so, we formed a study group among us, which include me, arfa, sakinah, amira and su. I am really looking forward to study in a group because there're some of the questions that i didn't know what to answer. Study in group also helps me in terms of boosting up my motivation. Seeing my group mate studying extra hours and energy makes me want to stay up, holding myself together, and they were so supportive when it became a nerve-wrecking moment, and they helped me to calm myself down. it goes vice versa, we all had each other to comfort ourselves. Alhamdulillah. feeling blissful!
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hari ini dalam sejarah. a moment to remember |
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makan megi berjemaah mmg extra flavour, sedap betul |
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lakon layar dimainkan oleh : Sakinah, amira, su, saya dan su |
and there were also moments that me and kina sleepover in the faculty. aa reminiscing the moment that we had last time during 1st and 2nd year of medical school . We both love to sleep in the faculty sebab duk bilik asek tido + xleh study. aa those moments tsk tskk. i oso bought a mini bolster haha, mmg sengaja beli untuk tido kat fac, da ready2 da utk 6th year nanti in case nak sleepover kat fac. lol
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tadaaaa |
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belakon jap |
and how can we forget about these moments? Mel and Jiha were also the loyal users of Bilik Gerakan Czemsa since they're studying pharmaco for the upcoming exam. haha kelakaa, we had a great time knowing each other, and also menggemok bersama. We craved a lot of things, and weolz together falling to prey to the menacing night munchies and snacks, hahaa, late night snacks and chunks didn't seem to be a sin during this 3 weeks.lapa giler weyhh time study. i think i gained a kg or more. Also bila bosan, ape lagi ,karok bersama hilangkan ngantuk.
nway, Alhamdulillah, we all did it!! ada lagi 1 subjek yg besar that i need to worry about, Internal med! takpe rileks duluuuu. ok, need to start packing, esok nak gerak g Ostrava. so keep calm and lets shoppee in Ostrava! ;P
Location: olomouc
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Prachovské skály - Český ráj
ok hai!
i've been waiting for quite a long time to go for a hike, i just neeeddd a moment to let it all out. acewah poyo. and so, i went to Prachovské skály, Český ráj 2 days ago. ahahaa, i knowwww its not summer to go for hiking, yaaww, its still autumn, the weather ain't that bad, so i can't just waste this moment bebehh
Anyway, i skipped Emergency class since i went there on weekdays, haha ni kalau ibu ayah tau ni for sure kena bebel ponteng kelas, tapi takpelah, sekali sekala, bukannya selalu wat pon hehe. and semalam ada credit Emergency, nice tak nice tak hahaha, fewwhh alhamdulillah lepas.
Went out for the early train at 7am from Neredin and took the train heading to Pardubice station. But then i missed the bus that heading straight to Jicin. So i had to go to Hradec Kralove and took the bus from there. and and andddd kat Hradec, there's one decent (and sooooo good looking) , which his name i forgot, helped me, showing me the way to the main bus station kt HK, dating jap, lol. so comel hahaha
thanks to Aainaa for the camewaa |
vain moment sekali sekala hahaa |
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omg what have i done hahaa |
The journey to Jicin from HK took about an hour, ahaa festaim gak naik bas pergi ke hujung dunia kat czech ni, i mean naik bas sorang2, tapi wasn't that bad, but hey , i have the whole day for myself, best gak kalau sesat ni. Arrived at Jicin about 1.30 pm, and took a taxi from the main station of Jicin to Prachovské skály. The taxi driver was a bit confused when i told him that i wanna go hiking. Probably its either too late to start hiking (12pm) or because i came alone by myself, or why bother to come at this kind of weather hhaha. tapi lek la brader, nothing is impossible ok!
to Jicin yoshhh! |
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nampok tak muka saitedd terpancar di wajahku |
Prachovske skaly, or if di'yinglish'kan ; it means Prachov Rock Formation. It is said that this place is one of the best-known rock cities in Bohemian region of Czech republic. as for Cesky Raj, which means Czech Paradise, this town is ranked among the most popular destination UNESCO geopark.
ok, about the hiking trails, there were 2 routes ; and i did underestimate the trails difficulty. hahaha. rasa cam alaa 5km jek? kacang je kot lol. So, i went for the longer trail, which was the green trail. this trail supposedly will take me to the highest viewpoint, top Privysina hill. however, this trail i find it a bit steep, some parts are easy, some parts are descents, but they also have stairs, so you don't need a rope, or climbing using bare hands, some parts with narrow passages between rocks and between steep stairs. There's a sign (route colours) to help you getting to the right way, so its entirely up to us which hike to choose. and to make it more interesting, i actually salah baca yg sebenarnya longer trail tu actually 45km, waddahekkkkkk!!
le map |
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bendera PAS is everywhere lolz |
there's not much of hikers during that day, probably because of the weather, and only the chosen ones choose to hike at this time hikss. Anyway, the stairs and walking trails are very helpful and manageable for everyone, even toddlers or grandparents can go hiking here hehe. And the trails are mostly mild sloping unpaved tracks, matted with pine needles, linden leaves and tree roots worn smooth by thousands of boots. i only wore sport shoes since i left my lovely hiking shoes at home in Malaysia sobss. No boots, but still can survive ;)
This place is so beautiful. Subhanallah, subhanallah! Nature never seizes to amaze me. This is a place of tranquility and serenity. aaaa ale it was pretty windy, i walked quite fast because i couldn't stand for long, my fingers and feet were starting to go numb and aching.huaa kacauu sungguh.
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spoookyyyy |
lonesome serenity |
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well, can you look at that outstanding rocks, subhanallah! |
This place is really amazing. Nature never seizes to amaze me. However, there was one problem ahead. i was RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY, all of my gadgets were running out of battery. i smell TROUBLE. hahahaaa. ok, no time to get nervous, i just got to get the hell out of this place. haha kelaka, adrenaline rush nak sangat, nah amek kauu! so i speed up a lil bit, and and andd stilll i have to hike in the dark. it was already pretty late, almost 4pm. Biasalah, kan festaim datang, sure la nak amek gmbar banyak2, so banyak bazir masa kat situ, i could have finish hiking before 4pm, since i started at 1.30pm, coz the estimated time for this green trail is 2hours. aihh
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tula nak bergambo sangat, kan da terperangkap sensorang kat dalam hutan, padan muka kau |
but anyway, i did managed to get on top of the viewpoints, but as for the pictures, ada tangkap first 4 viewpoints, T__T tapi takpelah, yang penting aperrr? niat! my intention is to find serenity, YES YES YES, this is a journey to find peace in me, yes bebeh. persetankan gambar2 *i'm crying inside thinking of those dying batteries, whyy you must die on that very particular moments T__T *
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le travel buddy, Pablo is oso wimmeh |
yesss i found serenity :) |
anyway, i went back at around 5pm, found my way out of there, alhamdulillah. i am so glad that i survived. haha sebaik tak mati kat dalam hutan sorang2 kene makan dengan musang ke, ok merepek.
ehh, i must write about this fairy-tale city of Jicin. anyone who wanna go to Prachovske Skaly, or visiting Cesky Raj, it is definitely a must to visit this place. So comel, one of the most picturesque cities in Czech republic. and to go to Prachovske Skaly, there's 2 ways, either via Turnov (another town of Cesky Raj) or Jicin. i read reviews from some hikers recommend to go to Jicin instead of Turnov, because they say it is more attractive. hoho, ok la. not so bad, i didn't spend much time there. so , i didn't do much to explore this countryside. haihh
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comel kan bandar Jicin ni |
aha, but for this adventure, i did learn a huge lesson. Wanderers have an exhilarating advantage in that they are used to being on their own and comfortable and content being on their own. Ultimately, knowing how to manage and survive and achieve alone is a blessing. Summed up : INDEPENDENCE.
tapi , untuk datang lagi sekali ke tempat ni next time hmmmm, takpelah kot, wanna venture some other places for me to conquer! hehe, all in all, i am grateful for my life lessons!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
kata kata
Daripada Abi Hurairah r.a bahawasanya ia telah bersabda :
Seorang mukmin yang kuat itu adalah lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah dan pada masing-masing terdapat kebaikan, utamakan apa yang lebih memberi faedah kepada kamu dan mohonlah pertolongan dari Allah dan kamu menjadi lemah. Kalau kamu ditimpa sesuatu janganlah berkata, KALAU aku lakukan begini sudah tentu akan berlaku, tetapi berkatalah, IA TAKDIR ALLAH, apa yang dikehendaki Allah dilakukanNya, kerana sesungguhnya perkataan KALAU membuka pintu perbuatan syaitan
Riwayat Muslim
for the words above, ia tak memberi green light utk kita berbuat maksiat, dan selepas itu, kita menyesal, its for us who has slipped unintentionally , battling with our inner desire but we failed and instead follow the whisper of syaitan. T__T
i'm a sinner that i'm not proud of showing any of it, i'm definitely a nobody to say such word, but I believe in Allah, He is the most Merciful and He is the most forgiving
may Allah forgive us, may Allah bless us, dont lose hope on Him.
Daripada Abi Hurairah r.a bahawasanya ia telah bersabda :
Seorang mukmin yang kuat itu adalah lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah dan pada masing-masing terdapat kebaikan, utamakan apa yang lebih memberi faedah kepada kamu dan mohonlah pertolongan dari Allah dan kamu menjadi lemah. Kalau kamu ditimpa sesuatu janganlah berkata, KALAU aku lakukan begini sudah tentu akan berlaku, tetapi berkatalah, IA TAKDIR ALLAH, apa yang dikehendaki Allah dilakukanNya, kerana sesungguhnya perkataan KALAU membuka pintu perbuatan syaitan
Riwayat Muslim
for the words above, ia tak memberi green light utk kita berbuat maksiat, dan selepas itu, kita menyesal, its for us who has slipped unintentionally , battling with our inner desire but we failed and instead follow the whisper of syaitan. T__T
i'm a sinner that i'm not proud of showing any of it, i'm definitely a nobody to say such word, but I believe in Allah, He is the most Merciful and He is the most forgiving
may Allah forgive us, may Allah bless us, dont lose hope on Him.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Bali : Awesome things about Bali, should not be forgotten
Bali? haha dari dulu, Bali was never in my wishlist-must-go-places. but then, alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah bagi , aku pergi jua tempat itu.bak kata pepatah, sambil menyelam kita minum air, erkk macam tak masuk jek
Bali, di sini telah tersemat satu seribu kenangan manis, tiada yang pahit mahupun masam. Jujurnya, aku benar-benar bersyukur dengan setiap saat aku berada di sana. Tambahan pula, aku pergi ke sana bersama 2 teman berjalan yang baru, Atiyyah dan YC. Atiyyah adalah seorang rakan yang begitu aku rapat meskipun persahabatan kami tak sampai setahun jagung. Manakala, YC adalah deskmate aku di dalam kelas 5 Bijak semasa aku bersekolah di SAMURA.
Idea untuk ke Bali, bermulanya semasa borak-borak minum teh gittew antara aku dan YC (ketika YC dan Chabie bawak aku keluar makan ,baru beberapa hari lepas touchdown Malaysia), YC mengajak aku pergi berjalan somewhere, memandangkan katanya kaki aku panjang ; suka berjalan ke sana sini, dan dia yakin aku tidak akan menolak pelawaan dia untuk pergi ke mana-mana. 'cis mana si YC tauuu ni' . Dan kelibat Atiyyah pabila aku mengajak Atie dengan kata-kata manisku tentang betapa indahnya Bali serta keinginanku untuk scubadiving. Setelah Atie melihat betapa comelnya kawannya Akiey ini, dia seperti yang telah aku jangkakan tidak menolak pelawaan ku. kahkahkah. jelez tak jelez tak
ok, kembali ke tajuk kita pada hari ni, BALI. Bali (31 Aug - 4th Sept 2013)
awhhsome things about BALI
haaa, this is something unique about Balinese culture. If you ever visit Bali, you may find a lot of people named Wayan, both men and women. (my hiking guide's name are both Wayan - Wayan Mersa and Wayan Warsa) . There's a reason for that. They do not name their children after their parents, grandparents, or cultural/status icons. But the names are culturally mandated to reflect one thing... cuba guest..,
tak dapat gak? hard guest is it? (gila main sorang2)
jawapannya, its according to the child's order of birth. jeng jeng jenggg <---- ntah paper
In Balinese culture, 'Wayan' is the typical name used for the 1st born child, male or female, of the family. Alternately , could also be named Putu (traditionally it is exclusive only for upper caste family) or Gede, or Ni Luh. As for the 2nd child, could be named Kadek, Made, Nengah. The third is Nyoman (our driver name was Nyoman Suartika) , or Komang (hahahah nama Komang is sooooo familiar) and the fourth born names is Ketut.
What about the 5th, 6th and Nth? well, the order repeats itself when a subsequent child is born. And sometimes they used the name 'Balik which means again, to signify the order is repeating again--> 'Wayan Balik' for the fifth. Yang ni xsemua orang buat cmtu
As for women, they are given the honorific 'Ni' before their name, contohnya Ni Wayan. or Ni Komang It is much like 'Miss' or 'Mrs'. And for men, use 'I' , as in I Wayan or I Nyoman, much like 'Mr''
The naming is also influenced by caste. The names stem from a caste system dates back centuries ago. There are 4 main castes in Bali. These are Brahmana (priest), Ksatria (ruler or warrior), Waisya and Sudra (lowest layer- Waisya are traders and farmers and Sudra are rice growers) . Sistem kasta ni macam dekat India, but it is relatively unimportant. Kalau kat India diorang pentingkan sistem kasta, so racist. lol. and the idea of it probably flowed into Balinese culture as close links with Hindu-Buddhist Java evolved many centuries ago.
and 90% of Balinese belong to the Sudra caste. There is a great difference in the way of communication between these caste. kalau kat Msia sama jela, cam orang dulu2 , orang bawahan cakap 'Hamba' and among high classes 'Beta, Tuan etc. it is how they greet among themselves.
So, when you visit Bali, expect to meet A LOT of Wayans, Komangs, Nyomans, Ketuts, Mades and so on. You could always just guess and be assured a 25% chance of guessing it right. trolll
Magoshhh, banyak gilerrrr temple dekat Bali ni. In Bali, there are over 10k temples and some claim that there are actually more temples than homes in Bali.trolllllll!! So visiting Bali would not be complete without a trip to see at least one of these Bali's temples.
In Balinese languange, temple is Pura. It is a widespread marker of Bali's exuberant culture, trust me, you dont have to make an effort to see of then, its just tooo many of them. So, we picked just a few to visit, the one-must-go-temple
Pura Tanah Lot
This is one of the most famous temples. It is surrounded by crowds and vendors. This is not the place if you're expecting a peace and quite temple. Tanah Lot stands on a rock some distance from the shore, towering over the sea. We didn't managed to get to the temple, but enjoyed ourselves the sunset view. Anyhow, the temple is accessible during limited time ; which is to low tide. There's no reason to miss this temple. Indeed it is said to be the most visited temple in the island. The atmosphere was magical, especially during sunset.The only drawback was the crowd.
Bali, di sini telah tersemat satu seribu kenangan manis, tiada yang pahit mahupun masam. Jujurnya, aku benar-benar bersyukur dengan setiap saat aku berada di sana. Tambahan pula, aku pergi ke sana bersama 2 teman berjalan yang baru, Atiyyah dan YC. Atiyyah adalah seorang rakan yang begitu aku rapat meskipun persahabatan kami tak sampai setahun jagung. Manakala, YC adalah deskmate aku di dalam kelas 5 Bijak semasa aku bersekolah di SAMURA.
Idea untuk ke Bali, bermulanya semasa borak-borak minum teh gittew antara aku dan YC (ketika YC dan Chabie bawak aku keluar makan ,baru beberapa hari lepas touchdown Malaysia), YC mengajak aku pergi berjalan somewhere, memandangkan katanya kaki aku panjang ; suka berjalan ke sana sini, dan dia yakin aku tidak akan menolak pelawaan dia untuk pergi ke mana-mana. 'cis mana si YC tauuu ni' . Dan kelibat Atiyyah pabila aku mengajak Atie dengan kata-kata manisku tentang betapa indahnya Bali serta keinginanku untuk scubadiving. Setelah Atie melihat betapa comelnya kawannya Akiey ini, dia seperti yang telah aku jangkakan tidak menolak pelawaan ku. kahkahkah.
ok, kembali ke tajuk kita pada hari ni, BALI. Bali (31 Aug - 4th Sept 2013)
awhhsome things about BALI
scuba diving!
Bali is one of the famous places when it comes to learning to dive. What it delights beginners and experienced divers alike.
Imagine this, you're in 20 meters below the ocean's surface, gliding silently through the water. The only sound you can hear is you slowly breathing in and out. Anddd suddenly, you're face to face with a group of sharks, or manta rayssss and you can't even swim faster. They just swallow you with no mercy.
Sounds pretty amazing, doesn't it? It's even more remarkable to experience scuba diving first hand in the deep blue see and witness
ok, yg part shark tu mintak simpang jauh.
I must say, we had an absolute ball!! My friends and I had never dived before. Glad that we've booked with Bali Jet Set Dive and Marine Sports. Rhonda and Nyoman , the owners are husband and wife team, with a passion for water sports. We were placed in great hands, they run the business very professionally.

every seconds of it was damn good. Alhamdulilllah, i am soooo grateful to experience this. T_T

every seconds of it was damn good. Alhamdulilllah, i am soooo grateful to experience this. T_T
Mount Agung Sunrise Hiking!
One of the highlights of my life, the hardest physical thing I've ever done, and totally worth it in every way :: MOUNT AGUNG SUNRISE TREKKING.
I enthusiastically recommend seeing and hike Mount Agung if you go to Bali. This is quite a vigorous hike, not unlike climbing a ladder for several hours. WARNING : Do not go if you are looking for a easy day-hike. This is an actual mountain where some climbing is necessary. The last hour consist of having to pull yourself up rocks using your hands and arms, shoving your feet in small crannies. Now, any person who is determined and a little fit will be fine. but do not think this is going to be a easy hike where your legs won't get hurt and you won't be winded HAHAH , i would recommend this hike only to those who are very fit and have plenty of hiking experience.but for newbies like me, WE CAN STILL DO IT, but you will sufferrr hahahh. seram shit warning ni? lol
As for the climb itself, there is several climbing routes. From Besakih Temple, Pasar Agung temple (2route), depends on your preference. According to Wayan's email,
>> If you doing very seldom hiking option #1 is perfect but you fit and professional hikker option #2 and #3 is a good choice.
and so i did the 'easy' trail, from Pasar Agung with Atie and YC, with our guide, Wayan Warsa. Starting by climbing 200steps up a staircase to a temple at 12am. There were many other small groups were about to start hiking . It was sooo freaking funny after 10minutes later , when YC already starts to whine, 'Akieyyy, i think i want to give up' . i was actually winded (monologue to myself) when we got to the temple, hahahahaa, so you can imagine what kind of hell waiting for us after. lolz
The initial climb is through large three and brush and it's fairly steep, but when you finally have a chance to look up, the stars was wonderful, probably saw 3-5 shooting stars, just because the night is so clear. Subhanallah! This part gets hot, jackets off bebeh!
As you get higher and the vegetation begins to dissipate, it begins to get colder. Thanks to Wayan, he never fails to calm me, i kept on asking 'how many minutes left?' 'how many meters left Wayan?' 'Wayann help me' 'Wayan, how bla bla blaa' . YC was left behind, and Wayan was more focusing on her, so me and Atie joined the other group with their guide, Wayan Merta, a hilarious and humble man indeed.
The hardest part of the accent was certainly the last hour or so, you definitely have to do some rock climbing, Its's not extensive and most people with a little strength can do it, but you will have to pull yourself up. You are basically scrambling... being present in the moment and choosing your footing carefully is essential. It was veryyyy meditative. Just heads up. Just keep leaning forward during those parts, and if you fall, fall forward. We paused every 15min, glad that Wayan Warsa was patience enough with us. otherwise i will cry my lungs, desperate of the pain of climbing. hahah.
Finally we arrived, at around 5.20am.We were a bit early than expected (according to our guide) , aaaa, rasa cammm wahhhhh, bangga siket la lol haha sebab sampai awl hihihi. Me and Atie were so emotional.. tsk tskk. it felt like being in an endless hell I was screaming Alhamdulillahhhhhh, aaa da sampaiii aaaaa!!! The view is like sheer heaven. WE'RE ABOVE THE SKYYYY!!! . The view was magnificent, Subhanallah, no words to describe how beautiful the view from up there. We were above a sea of clouds with the sunrise in the backdrop. The temperature was about 5degree celcius at the crater rim. Mixed intense feelings which made this whole experience unforgettable.
I enthusiastically recommend seeing and hike Mount Agung if you go to Bali. This is quite a vigorous hike, not unlike climbing a ladder for several hours. WARNING : Do not go if you are looking for a easy day-hike. This is an actual mountain where some climbing is necessary. The last hour consist of having to pull yourself up rocks using your hands and arms, shoving your feet in small crannies. Now, any person who is determined and a little fit will be fine. but do not think this is going to be a easy hike where your legs won't get hurt and you won't be winded HAHAH , i would recommend this hike only to those who are very fit and have plenty of hiking experience.but for newbies like me, WE CAN STILL DO IT, but you will sufferrr hahahh. seram shit warning ni? lol
What to prepare?
- Remind yourself, the climb is tough, but rewarding. Be prepared for cold at the top ( 5degress or single digit celcius so they say) and get shoes that will carry you up a mountain that can get slippery.
- Use the BATHROOOMMMM before going up the mountain. Nobody wants to have an emergency on the mountain man!!
- Have a good guide. As for that, Wayan Widiyasa <wayan.idguides@gmail.com> ,as recommended by many other trekkers on TripAdvisor.
- Headlamps and snacks , our guide provide us these items, but do bring extras!we brought a lot of Sneakers and other snacks, it kept us from starving and Happy throughout the whole climb.
- Bring water , but don't drink tooo much of it, because there is no bathroom up there. haha
- wear pants , pick a fairly thick jacket, or windbreaker is the best! it gets colddd up there i tell you
- Hiking boots would have been nice. Don't go with converse dude! There's rocks and gravel up there
- Keep your shoulders relaxed, back straight and breathe!! You will conserve your energy more.
- Also, point your headlamp at a comfort position, so that you can see better ahead of your feet, but you dont have to crane your neck if you need to see where your feet land.
- BE SURE TO TIP, until today, i regret myself for not giving tip to my guide WAYAN WARSA, cuz i didn't bring extra money on that time, he is such a nice man, aaa sorry wayann! T__T
As for the climb itself, there is several climbing routes. From Besakih Temple, Pasar Agung temple (2route), depends on your preference. According to Wayan's email,
1. Pasar Agung temple start point (1525 m high above sea level) start from south east side of the mountain the trip will takes around 4 hours ascend and 3 hours descend and the altitude you can reach is 2907 m high above ( crater rim only) price for this tour is Rp 550.000 rupiah for 1- 2 people, Rp 750.000 rupiah 3-4 people. start time at 02.00 am2. Besakih Temple start point ( 1200 m high) this start point will start from south west side of the mountain will takes around 14 hours up and down this path is the longest ever,but youll reach the highest peak of the mountain ( 3142 m high) price this tour is Rp 950.000 rupiah for 1-2 people, Rp 1.150.000 rupiah for 3-4 people. start time at 11pm3.A new way start from pasar Agung temple cross to the real peak (3142 m high) this path we found a couple year ago,more challenge,stip,but more fun.takes around 5 hours ascend follow the same path as normal path whom going to crater rim,at 2300 m high above we cross to left side of the mountain and you reach higest peak of Bali.for going down you can decide after,you can go by the same path as you taken up for shorter trek down or take the other way back to Beakih temple for 6 -7 hours descend This tour we charge you Rp 850.000 rupiah for 1 -2 people and Rp 1.050.000 rupiah 3 - 4 people start time at 12.30 am
>> If you doing very seldom hiking option #1 is perfect but you fit and professional hikker option #2 and #3 is a good choice.
We chose the the 1st route ; "EASY IS DIFFICULT" , and i'm a newbies btw
and so i did the 'easy' trail, from Pasar Agung with Atie and YC, with our guide, Wayan Warsa. Starting by climbing 200steps up a staircase to a temple at 12am. There were many other small groups were about to start hiking . It was sooo freaking funny after 10minutes later , when YC already starts to whine, 'Akieyyy, i think i want to give up' . i was actually winded (monologue to myself) when we got to the temple, hahahahaa, so you can imagine what kind of hell waiting for us after. lolz
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le hikers yg newbies |
The thing about this mountain is that it is incredibly steep the whole way with no respite. There is also no path to follow so it would be veryyyyy difficult to ascend without a guide. In fact it is very difficult even with a guide. hahaha. The terrain changes as you go higher but none of it is straightforward. It would be very easy to fall and in many places the fall could be very long.
The initial climb is through large three and brush and it's fairly steep, but when you finally have a chance to look up, the stars was wonderful, probably saw 3-5 shooting stars, just because the night is so clear. Subhanallah! This part gets hot, jackets off bebeh!
As you get higher and the vegetation begins to dissipate, it begins to get colder. Thanks to Wayan, he never fails to calm me, i kept on asking 'how many minutes left?' 'how many meters left Wayan?' 'Wayann help me' 'Wayan, how bla bla blaa' . YC was left behind, and Wayan was more focusing on her, so me and Atie joined the other group with their guide, Wayan Merta, a hilarious and humble man indeed.
The hardest part of the accent was certainly the last hour or so, you definitely have to do some rock climbing, Its's not extensive and most people with a little strength can do it, but you will have to pull yourself up. You are basically scrambling... being present in the moment and choosing your footing carefully is essential. It was veryyyy meditative. Just heads up. Just keep leaning forward during those parts, and if you fall, fall forward. We paused every 15min, glad that Wayan Warsa was patience enough with us. otherwise i will cry my lungs, desperate of the pain of climbing. hahah.
Finally we arrived, at around 5.20am.We were a bit early than expected (according to our guide) , aaaa, rasa cammm wahhhhh, bangga siket la lol haha sebab sampai awl hihihi. Me and Atie were so emotional.. tsk tskk. it felt like being in an endless hell I was screaming Alhamdulillahhhhhh, aaa da sampaiii aaaaa!!! The view is like sheer heaven. WE'RE ABOVE THE SKYYYY!!! . The view was magnificent, Subhanallah, no words to describe how beautiful the view from up there. We were above a sea of clouds with the sunrise in the backdrop. The temperature was about 5degree celcius at the crater rim. Mixed intense feelings which made this whole experience unforgettable.
haaa, this is something unique about Balinese culture. If you ever visit Bali, you may find a lot of people named Wayan, both men and women. (my hiking guide's name are both Wayan - Wayan Mersa and Wayan Warsa) . There's a reason for that. They do not name their children after their parents, grandparents, or cultural/status icons. But the names are culturally mandated to reflect one thing... cuba guest..,
tak dapat gak? hard guest is it? (gila main sorang2)
jawapannya, its according to the child's order of birth. jeng jeng jenggg <---- ntah paper
In Balinese culture, 'Wayan' is the typical name used for the 1st born child, male or female, of the family. Alternately , could also be named Putu (traditionally it is exclusive only for upper caste family) or Gede, or Ni Luh. As for the 2nd child, could be named Kadek, Made, Nengah. The third is Nyoman (our driver name was Nyoman Suartika) , or Komang (hahahah nama Komang is sooooo familiar) and the fourth born names is Ketut.
What about the 5th, 6th and Nth? well, the order repeats itself when a subsequent child is born. And sometimes they used the name 'Balik which means again, to signify the order is repeating again--> 'Wayan Balik' for the fifth. Yang ni xsemua orang buat cmtu
As for women, they are given the honorific 'Ni' before their name, contohnya Ni Wayan. or Ni Komang It is much like 'Miss' or 'Mrs'. And for men, use 'I' , as in I Wayan or I Nyoman, much like 'Mr''
The naming is also influenced by caste. The names stem from a caste system dates back centuries ago. There are 4 main castes in Bali. These are Brahmana (priest), Ksatria (ruler or warrior), Waisya and Sudra (lowest layer- Waisya are traders and farmers and Sudra are rice growers) . Sistem kasta ni macam dekat India, but it is relatively unimportant. Kalau kat India diorang pentingkan sistem kasta, so racist. lol. and the idea of it probably flowed into Balinese culture as close links with Hindu-Buddhist Java evolved many centuries ago.
and 90% of Balinese belong to the Sudra caste. There is a great difference in the way of communication between these caste. kalau kat Msia sama jela, cam orang dulu2 , orang bawahan cakap 'Hamba' and among high classes 'Beta, Tuan etc. it is how they greet among themselves.
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this is our driver, Mr Nyoman Suartika. sangat baik orangnya |
So, when you visit Bali, expect to meet A LOT of Wayans, Komangs, Nyomans, Ketuts, Mades and so on. You could always just guess and be assured a 25% chance of guessing it right.
Pura Pura Temple
Magoshhh, banyak gilerrrr temple dekat Bali ni. In Bali, there are over 10k temples and some claim that there are actually more temples than homes in Bali.
In Balinese languange, temple is Pura. It is a widespread marker of Bali's exuberant culture, trust me, you dont have to make an effort to see of then, its just tooo many of them. So, we picked just a few to visit, the one-must-go-temple
Pura Tanah Lot
This is one of the most famous temples. It is surrounded by crowds and vendors. This is not the place if you're expecting a peace and quite temple. Tanah Lot stands on a rock some distance from the shore, towering over the sea. We didn't managed to get to the temple, but enjoyed ourselves the sunset view. Anyhow, the temple is accessible during limited time ; which is to low tide. There's no reason to miss this temple. Indeed it is said to be the most visited temple in the island. The atmosphere was magical, especially during sunset.The only drawback was the crowd.
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subhanallah, cantik kan!? |
Pura Besakih
We went here during our hike of Mount Agung. Sungguh kelaka, masa naik tu, i didn't know that this is Bali's Mother Temple. Mak segala temple dekat Bali ni hahaha. Therefore, there were not much piccas taken for this temple. This holiest of all temple is located at 3k feet up Mount Agung in East Bali. The temple's main axis aligns with the peak of this mountain. And to make it moreeee dramatic about this temple, Pura Besakih narrowly escaped destruction in 1963, which killed 1700 people. The lava flow passed by Pura Besakih and it is believed to be a miraculous signal from the deities that they wanted to demonstrate their power without completely destroying the holy complex devotees had built for them. This is seen as a miracle and a sign from the gods (according to Balinese believe)
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ni lepas penat giler nak mati turun dari Gunung Agung, xde masa nak picca2 lol |
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but i still snapped some piccas, lol |
and thats it. hahah tu je la temple yang kitorang visit. ok la kan, 2/10000 temples = 0.0001 ,still a figure whatttt
We went to Rice terrace of Tegalalang . It was Very scenic, very green and totally peaceful. this is one of the places on our to-do list in Bali, and we were not dissapointed. We were just mesmerized by the view of the lush and green terraced rice fields. It was a breathtaking sight ,so serene and beautiful.
Rice to the Balinese is not just their staple food, it is also an integral part of the Balinese culture. Throughout the year, the rituals of the cycle of rice planting, maintaining, irrigating and harvesting rice enrich the cultural life of Bali. Tapi tapi tapi, Malaysia pon hado kan, kt Kodahh, hehe nak jugokkk. Rice fields never seems to get boring and after seeing many of them here in Bali, I still love to see more!
Drinking Civet Cat Poooppp coffee , aka Kopi Luwak
(taik musang they say)
YC ,she's a coffee-lover. and Kopi Luwak tasting is the most awaited moment for Yc. She's made us drinking this Civet cat poop coffee. kiranya akuuu pernah makan taik la kan dalam hidup ni. lol. well anyway, about this coffee.This coffee is very special for coffee lovers. It is very popular, even it ever been reported in Oprah Winfrey TV show
Penah tengok civet cats tak? look soo comelll! its cute, fluffy, purring kittens kalau tengok kat Google Search. In actuality, is a nasty little ferret creature, with beady little eyes and a mean temper.
Anyway, about this coffee, it is made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus. Then this beans emerge without fleshy coating, appear undigested, after it passed through a civet's gut. Then, these beans are extracted and carefully cleansed before processed to make this highly selected top grade coffee.
so, senang cerita, berak musang tu org buat kopi yg sedap dan mahal. About the taste, i dunno la how to describe, i rasa cam kopi2 biasa, tapi YC described it in more dramatic words , unique authentic taste etc
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muka bahagia YCCCC takleh blahh |
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muka terpaksa-suka Atie so oviess hahaha |
ok, last but not least, le ohsemm things about Bali, should not be forgotten is............
The People of BALI (Balinese people)
As a whole, Balinese people are generally good hearted and kind people. They are very helpful and extremely kind and will always greet you with a smile. Religious beliefs are deeply entrenched in all Balinese. i think, they really practice what they belief in their religion; 90% are Hindus,Balinese Hinduism. The majority of them believe in Agama Tirta ''the Holy-water'' religion. it is a Shivaite section of Hinduism. (Google plz) anyhow, their religion teaches to be good and kind hearted for a good karma. and i am so lucky that i didnt meet anyone that ruining my good perception of Balinese people throughout the journey.
and and there's a lot people giving reviews saying that Balinese people smile a lot. woahhh. Senyum itu sedekah, and it is well-practiced here in Bali. This is the land of eternal smiles. which makes them warmer and more welcoming. Smile at them and they will smile back. They are ever helpful and will always try hard to please you. Such great politeness and courtesy.
Bali is a third world island and it is poor. There is something that people here need more than friends and that is money. if there is an opportunity for a Balinese person to make money from you, then they will try to take it. and it was pretty exhausting when we strolled at Pasar Sukawati. omagoshhh. so many vendors inviting you to browse their shops and calling you after when you walk by, persuading and trying to get you to turn around. They are super pushyyyy. No doubt that bargains can be found at Sukawati, but the shopping experience itself is pretty bad. and you really need to have a good bargain skill, really need a bargain power here. Tapi, fikir-fikir, ini punca rezeki diorang and they're making efforts for it. Kental sungguh!
in a nutshell, Bali's most precious asset is her people. Their exemplary attitudes will keep enticing visitors in droves.
until we meet again someday, insyaAllah ada rezeki, ada umur.
Location: olomouc
Bali, Indonesia
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