When things are going great with our friends, life is good.
When things are going not-so-great, life can turn super-crummy, super fast.
Obviously, all friends fight, because there is no perfect friendship. Thinking about it, its good to fight, it shows everything is normal, hoping it will bring friends closer together. When its all resolved, you'll have stronger bond, and it just feel good not to be fighting anymore. But not all fights end perfectly
If a friend has suddenly started ignoring you or acting like they don't want to be your friend anymore, it extra-important to think about what's going on. so let me reflect this myself.
how did this start? Thinking about the WHO,WHAT,WHERE and WHEN of the fight. WHO's involved? What happened? How did it happened? there's so many unwind -WH questions lingering in my mind.
and what to do when your friend shut you out? When a friend stop talking to you...
And the reason many people get so confused and hurt when a friend shuts them out is that they either genuinely don't know what they did, or they lack the ability to fully self-reflect.
ok, suck it fatimah zaharah; The truth is, even the greatest friendship in the whole wide universe will run into some bumpy spots. whether its a small misunderstanding or an atomic blow-up, everyone fights with his or her friends every once in a while. Because our close friends mean so much to us, fighting with them can make us feel hurt, angry, frustrated and deeply sad.
Now , i'm accepting that fights are normal. That's the easy part. Knowing how to deal with them is a little harder