Monday, February 8, 2010

chemistry exam

haha. i would say chemistry subject + exam here in Palacky uni 
(only in Palacky uni i repeat) 
is the most ridiculous exam in history of medical school
 * exaggeration* 

alhamdulillah. i passed. after my 2nd attempt. 
26th jan 2010
but indeed, the journey was a total fun! haha
seriously saying. 

sleep over in faculty
sleep like a loop
bangun tidur bangun tidur.
wake up chemistry
eat chemistry
sleep chemistry
chemistry haunting me all day long
but i'll cherish all these moments, me and my friends together 

this success is only because of His mercy and His kindness
from Him, the One and Only.
tak tersentuh pun dengan usaha kita yang seciput ni

anyway, its done!
so long chemistry, babai2!

p/s : i received the news that i passed when i was in Spain btw.