Friday, January 28, 2011

neuroanat fuzzz

lamanya tak singgah sini
haihh. banyak sangat weh, melampau betul subjek ni. stresszonnnn.
i wish to get this done ASAP. 
its consuming my holidays. 
ok. shut up timah. stop complaining

i'm more focus if i study in faculty
in my room, i have gazillion things to do. 
as soon as i sit on my chair, my brain started to think,
'oh i should do this, bla bla bla'
in the end, i didnt study at all.
and even in my comfy and homey room, my bed is always whispering my name
akiey akiey akiey,meh meh mehhh

yes indeed.
study time = perfect time to do everything else

thanks to Kak alya's legendary notes, it really helps me a lot. may Allah reward her kindness

current time : 10.15pm
condition : LEMAUUUUU

i need motivation. stress. 
exam is coming up next week.

come on timah, 
lets strive for the best! 
