Saturday, November 10, 2012

NETBALLERZ Olomouc 2012

I proudly present you the representative of iGames Olomouc Contingent NETBALL TEAM, the NETBALLERZ HOTTIES!

*clap2* da bau-bau gold medal da tuuu LOL

NETBALLERZ hotties consist of 
C - Akiey (fana)
WA - fana 
WD - Mel
GA - Qiela (jiha/siti/syazana)
GD - K teah (eja)
GK - Meera 

And my lovely buddy; Qiela as the chief da mission, acewahh.

I'm so thankful to Allah that Allah has introduced me to these wonderful girls. 
dorang sure rasa best gak an i ada. *perahhsantann*

BLOOPERS bloop bloop

hampes betul, kanak-kanak ni dok pakat nak pekenakan gue! mel, fana, jiha, siti grrr!! just uols wait! alasan sebab nak revenge on behalf of nam, hahahah! kesian plak teringat gmbar nam aku pergi tutup muka dia time Aidiladha photoshoot hari tu. hihii sory la nam, ramai plak backing ko. cehh.

p/s credit to Ecah for helping me out with this photoshoot. 
Thank you and may Allah bless u.