Friday, June 8, 2012


10 years of friendship
you are one of the life blessings that ALLAH give me.
you are God-sent

The friendship we have is so rare to find,
we hate to see each other in a bind,
we have made each other laugh so hard we've cried, 
we feel each other's pain if we are hurt inside,
we always can find the right words to say,
to help us get through any dreadful day, 
we have to tell our darkest secrets, with feeling no shame,
we will tell each other the truth even if we are to blame, 
we will have to look back on our crazy memories to make us glad 
The miles between us can't keep us apart,
because we will keep each other close at heart

Inah Ja Abd Jalil

through miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, 
for friendship doesn't count the miles, 
it's measured by the heart

dude, i am tremendously missing you. 

ana uhibbuki fillah.
moga kita berteman hingga ke syurga!