okes, abaikan benda atas yg mengarut tu. This poster posted in FB i found this morning caught my attention . Haha i was quite interested with the content of it. Overall i would say, raising a child is never an easy thing. The good education means the physical, mental and moral preparation of the child so he can become a good individual in the good society.
Allah (swt) has entrusted parents with their children. Parents bear the responsibility to raise their children in the Islamic way. If they do that they will be blessed in this life and in the Hereafter, and if they don't, they will get bad result during their life and in the Hereafter *gulpppppp*
Rasulullah saw resemble the best example of a loving father, a good leader of a family, an obedient child and so much more. As a future mother, I am glad that i'm in medical school, so i am fully expose upon this matter. During Histology class, i learned about the embryology and early development of human being in the mother's womb. However, Allah speaks about it in Holy Quran, about the stages of man's embryonic development. Next year, i'm going to have Pediatrics in 5th year, so, i'll be learning in depth about children *ngee*
Honestly, when it comes to theory, i might have some knowledge about children's development and psychology, but practically on the other hand, i'm so ZERO!!! haha. I have a little brother, who was born when I was 11. So, I used to be beside ibu, helping her out, taking care of my little brother eg cleaning up his diapers, feed him, bathing him. *baik kan kakak kau ni Nudin* So,boleh la nak kata yang i have a very basic skills of baby care.
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In a nutshell, from what i can extract from above, the upbringing of a children begins in the early childhood, and continue throughout the teenage years.
A mum's job is a 24/7 job okes!!!! Bare that in mind timahh..
So, secara konklusinya....
-feed the children with halal and healthy food,
-encourage the practice of sports eg swimming, archery, horse-riding, wrestling <-- basically these are the sports according to sunnah Rasulullah saw
mentally and morally..
-approach our children with love and tenderness, as the quotes saying, 'mother's touch soothe the soul' , make more physical contact, especially during the newborn period. The health of a newborn baby is HIGHLY DEPENDENT ON RECEIVING THE TOUCH OF THEIR MOTHER. patutlah baby kurang menangis bila ada orang sekeliling especially bila ada ibunya, they cry less and helps them sleep better
-teach the religious principle at early age. From the age of 5, teach the children on how to pray, encourage them to fast, but at the same time , explain why do they have to do it. Explain and make them understand that Solat prayer and fasting in Ramadhan month are a way of showing our love to Allah. Let them know more about Allah through story-telling about sahabat, angels, Prophet's stories and so on.
-be a good listener. Act as a 'friend' to our children rather than continue in the role of a teacher, as suggested by Prophet Muhammad saw
-teach them how to read at early phase; baby starts to speak generally at the age of 2, so da boleh ajar-ajar alif, ba, ta daa. Let them imitate your speech and repeat over and over again. At the age of 5, teach them to read Muqaddam and Quran. Children is the fastest learner of all in the whole wide world. So, encourage them to memorize simple surah and continue to surah2 juzu' amma during this age is the best timing. So true thou, i've been trying to memorize simple surah in Juzu' amma, and it took ages! *banyak dosa dengdengdengg*
-expose children to many kinds of interest, which enable their mental growth ; for example touring and travelling, language, music . Specifically as for boys, gardening, mechanic things, computer ; and as for girls, cooking, home-cleaning.
-let them take in charge of some task, to develop sense of responsibilities. At the same time, never let them doing it alone, supervise and guide them from time to time.
-teach children to select the good company and avoid the bad ones, because children are alwayssssss influenced by their friend.
-and one last thing, encourage and expose the children to sympathize with Muslim problems. Tell them about what happen in Palestine for example, and what can we do to contribute to the solutions eg making du'a and encourage them to donate some money to hungry Muslim children. Let them feel the sense of belonging to the Muslim nation. They will feel the brotherhood between Muslims, care more for Muslims in any land, and feel that they are part of the Muslim body, to feel sad for Muslim's sadness, to feel happy when Muslim are joyous and to strive their best to achieve the Muslim nation's goals.
banyak lagi, i know. takda idea.
now i can imagine how ibu and ayah raised me up since i was a little baby. I'm so glad to have the best parents in the whole wide universe. So, dari sekarang lagi i need to learn more and more, continuously making du'a, change my bad attitude and behavior. Nak jadi ibu yang baik, setting up a good practical example, because children like to imitate their parents in their sayings and deeds.
Antara doa-doa parenting yg boleh kita amalkan:
Doa nabi zakaria 3:38
At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, ' My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication
Doa dapat zuriat penyejuk mata memandang 25:74
And those who say, 'Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous
and so much more, nanti timah buka doa dapat anak soleh niiii timahh huahuahua
p/s : words to ponder for the day
How could Muhammad saw have possibly known all this 1400 years ago when scientist have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist at the time? #deep
ok, i have to rush to fac now. PHARMACO mode is ON!!