Friday, January 27, 2012

microbiology done!

alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. i can finally breath easily now. I passed my microb final exam! wohoooo!! Which means, im done with my 3rd year winter semester exam!! 
alhamdulillah wa astaghfirullah 

ini bukti muka gembira mintak pelempang, bergambar dgn cikgu moksya, Prof Kolar

overall, this subject was one of subject that i found interesting. And and and the best thing about working in the Micriobio lab is that you can fart and blame the microbes. LOL!! 

i'm so gonna miss microb *okay tipu semata2* 

anyway, weekend is finally here after such a long week. hezky vikend people!

p/s: Now all i can say is, Stay safe, respect the bacteria, and be positive wherever you are :P