Today psychiatry lecture was about mood disorder.
What is mood? It is a state of emotion. And it has function: 1. Evaluating 2. regulating
Classification of emotion;
1. Polarity = +ve # -ve
=Pleasurable and unpleasant
=stenic and astenic
2. Quality : vegetative symptoms
3.intensity and duration
Mood :long term, sustained, overall emotional tuning
Passion: long term
-excessive development of higher emotions
-deficiency of higher social emotion
#social bluntness
#moral insanity
-impairment of ethnical emotions
-impairment of estethical emotions
Impairment of affect (acute state)
#affective stupor and inhibitions
#affect with extended latency
#affectice raptus
Impairment of emotions
1. Expansive- manic, euphoric, aesthetic, resonant, moria, dysphoric
2. Depressive -anhedonic (state which are unable to feel pleasant feelings which were felt during the past #sex #food #games eg. Major and acute depression disorder) morose (depressive irratibilty, unpleasant feeling), depressive, helpless, apethetic (lack of interest)
3. Anxious, phobia
Phobia:Feer of special reasons
Anxious: unpleasant feeling without reasons
4. Stuctural impairment of emotion
#ambivalence : 2 opposite wants at the same seconds (love and hate someone at the same time)
#lability -typical for border line disorder, narcistic
#incontinency -emotions came from the body without reasons
#incongruence -I feel empathy at the same time I dont want to have this feeling
#alextitymia -somatic, feel to express emotions
Normophiria = normal emotional level. Sometimes goes higher/lower
Maniodepressive disorder/bipolar mood depression
Mania-long and wide wave, many delusion *compare to euphoria-just few hours
-hypomania (adik beradik mania)
Euphoria, hypomania, mania
Eg. Hypomania-symptoms same with mania but weaker, and intensity is lower
Depression-2weeks of duration
Mood disorder according to ICD
F30- manic episode (1 week)
F31-bipolar affective disorder
F32-depressive episode+ (no manic episodes)
F33-recurrent depressive episode
F34-persistent mood disorder
● cyclothymia - between subdepresion and hypomania (mild state of depression)
● dysthimia - undulation between normal and subdepresion at a very long period
Symptom of depression
★mood impairment- sadness or anxiety
★motor impairment- inhibition (retardation)
-agitation (anxiety)
★thinking and speech: form= bradypsychism or delay
#bradypsychism Slow thinker of reaction, emotion
Content:: catathymia , loss of interest, anergy, self-accusation, hypomnesia, loss of concentration, abulia (eg during exm period,do something else instead of studying), indecisiveness, suicidal ideation, ahedonia
--> micromanic delusion (blaming yourself too much, guilt)
★physical symptoms
#sleep and daily fluctuation -terminal insomnia , morning worsening!!!
#decrease libido
#loss of appetite , weight loss (more than 5%)
Depression- not only mood impairment