Sunday, February 17, 2013

the challenge

My energy levels are running pretty low lately. Probably due to the fact that i've been leaving the habit of jogging, or running on the treadmill in the gym, or futsal etc. Here lately, I've been really dwelling on the hard parts of my new, healthier lifestyle.I've decided to make a list of the awesome things and put it out there! 
So, I'm mapping out a plan for getting more healthy and eating better and exercising. 

Here are some list of it.
  • craving a salad, even when other stuff is available. 
  • Adds proteins, to keep me fuller longer
  • Zumba, join these Olomouc girls, but usually Friday night is my usrah session. hmmm
  • Get FIT!!!!! -jog,jog,jog,bike,jog,bike, Its ridiculous how unfit I am now!
  • Cut off sugar! too much sugar makes my skin unhappy
  • To get back eating like a 'normal' person, dont starve! 
  • Emotional breakthroughs!
  • Making a playlist of Home workout from YouTube
  • making a playlist of my favorite songs during my home workout session
  • be a positive thinker, start to cultivate affirmative thoughts, minimize negetive self-talk
  • cope with stress better
  • Trying out new things, life as a medical student is pretty boring at most times. :P So, doing something thrilling and challenging should make my life a bit more interesting. Give me SOMETHING TO WORK TOWARDS!!

*panjang nye map kauuu haha*

The mind starts wonder when the body is kept cooped up!!

p/s : jangan kau hangat-hangat tahi ayam sudah