Wednesday, December 14, 2011

a long long day

For internal med today my patient is having pain due to hip joint problem. She was 60++  years old young lady. She was so cute. I love old people. Sometimes i think they are more adorable than babies. seperti Wan Tampin saya. sangat comel!
My patient had underwent 3 surgeries and this friday will be her 4th. What a pity. She's also a diabetic patient type 2. She lost 15 kg since 20 years ago. Wow. Her size is not yet considered as obese but near towards it. She is very nice . When we asked questions for anamnesis,  she tried to answered it slowly even thou i can see that she hardly speaks.
Then after finish doing the anamnesis part, we went down to have discussion of our diagnosis with Mr erhmann. It was freaking longggggg!!! I've tried so hard to survive and stay awake as i could. Mr erhmann taught us passionately and i felt so bad if he saw me sleeping during his class. He's a doctor, mesti dia lagi penat dari kitorang ni. Working all day long from morning till night. I dont want him to feel unmotivated seing us tired and dull.

lagi satu, it was hilarious when he said, 'understand you??'
instead of saying --> 'do u understand ?


Any how it was a very long and tiring day.

i went back straight ahead to kak yana's room. K anis baked a cake for her birthday.Happy birthday kak yana! may Allah bless u always :) Lucky kak yana to have people around giving appreciation. Then k farah came to visit me. She gave me some useful advises n remind me that never put too much hope on a guy. suka lepak ngan kak farah ni. rasa sangat ada kakak kat sini