MY DEAREST EWAAA is nowww a married woman!!!! As you start this new journey in life, may every day hold wonderful shared experience. well anyway, i would love to document those pretty moments in my blog.
"A beautiful Polish Wedding :
Princess Ewa and Prince Lukasz"
25th may 2013
Ewa Morawiec , i've posted about Ewa Morawiec before, 3years ago i think (how time flyyyy haha). She is one wonderful woman i've known in my life, and thank God, our friendship still remain strong even though she's far away in German/Poland, and i'm here in Czech.
Lukasz is one lucky guy to win Ewa's heart. These two lovebirds has been together since high-school and till now, their love is still strong and hearty. Lukasz seems to complete Ewa in every way. Ewa is more serious type of person , and Lukasz is as funny as Mr Bean. He always prank jokes on Ewa and make fun of her. He easily blend in with us even though he doesn't speak fluent English, makes me feel that he is a humble man and friendly. He is currently working as an accountant, which suits Ewa very well as a doctor (sekufu gittew haa)
so, in a nutshell, their relationship is one of the finest i've seen in real life, and i really wish that their life together will be filled with joy, happiness and lots of love.
Ok, about Polish wedding, this is my first wedding invitation outside Malaysia, my first experience seeing other traditional way of marriage ceremony, and i was definitely looking forward since Ewa invited me since last year.
And so , thanks to Google search engine, i did my research about 'what i need to know about'
POLISH WEDDINGS' , the survival tips
*these following survival tips are a mash-up; through my search via Google with the experience I've had by attending Ewa's and Lukasz wedding*
1. Read the invitation card carefully!
woot wooott!
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le invitatio carte (suka suki rosakkan bhsa le fghenchh) |
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the church ceremony |
2. Throwing coins , coins shower!
This is a traditional thingy in Poland ; showering these happily married couple with handfuls of coins. They are then expected to pick it all up. Simply, coins are a symbol of prosperity, good luck and wealth. It is said that this is an old and pagan habit, but it is still very popular during wedding in Poland. During past times, people showered these married couple with grains and rice, usually millet, for a good and prosperous future. menarikk kan!
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little cutie pie TOBIASZ is trying to help Ewa and Lukasz, awww comel gilerrr |
3. white doves release for polish wedding?
hmm, from what i've investigate through Google, this is not so common in Polish wedding. Its far more common in US, UK and now in Australia. However, from the past, it is a common thingy in ancient wedding. White doves is a beautiful symbol, of love hope, peace and soul , also of the Holy Spirit (christian believers) Saying that dove release is a perfect tribute to the memory of the lost ones, and i think in this event, it is for Ewa's lovely grandmother. aaaa i miss her too , we've met during my first visit, and she passed away a year after. T_T
so, these days, doves are regularly released at weddings, a symbol of love and eternal commitment that a couple have made, and also blessings for the bride and groom
3. A toast and a surprise Breaking-glass custom
After the church ceremony finished, we're moved to another venue, for the wedding reception. Upon arrival at the reception, everyone had a glass of champagne and toasted the Bride and Groom. Then, after the toast, the bride and groom (they're facing backwards) , drop the glasses on the floor. this task is a sign that they will have a great teamwork in their marriage, uuu gituh ha. in Jewish wedding oso have this kind of custom
A toast for the bride and groom , as a wish of Good luck |
lepas pecahkan gelas, kena sapu balik kuang2 |
From left : Lukasz's parents , on the right Ewa's mom and dad and her aunt |
4. First dance, First dinner
(ewa and lukasz first dance)'s nerve wrecking facial expression LOL |
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Ewa's family : 1st : her eldest sister , Agnieszka, 2nd : her parents (super cute couple) 3rd : Ewa and Martin |
5. The Sto-lat songgg!!
Sto lat means 100years, this songs is occasionally sung at birthday parties, weddings or anniversaries.
so here are the words (copy skettt)
Sto lat, sto lat,
Niech żyje/żyją, żyje/żyją nam.
Sto lat, sto lat,
Niech żyje/żyją, żyje/żyją nam,
Jeszcze raz, jeszcze raz, niech żyje/żyją, żyje/żyją nam,
Niech żyje/żyją nam!
which translates roughly into English as:
A hundred years, a hundred years,
We want him/her/them to live.
A hundred years, a hundred years,
We want him/her/them to live,
Once again, once again, we want him/her/them to live,
We want him/her/them to live.
After the toast, first dance,singing , finally its the dinnerrr!
6. The Dinner
as many have said, Polish wedding means EATING A LOT, DRINKING A LOT, HAVING A GOOD AND UNFORGETTABLE TIME, well its true dohh. There were many kind of food served on the table. And Ewa has already well-prepared us some special course of meal, since we're Muslims. awwhh tooo nice of Ewa and her family to do so. Served on the table were variety of desserts, cold meat, breads, chickens and meat etc. and tips datang kenduri orang adalah : Do not attempt to eat everything served to you. You will die. lol
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so much more, tp malu la nak amek sume gambar makanan, so Asian-ishh |
7. The Vodka Alert
Vodka is a big deal at Polish weddings. From what i read, they say, if vodka wasn't there, the wedding would have been canceled. TROLL . Vodka is only drunk collectively. when somebody proposed a toast (several times Ewa's cousins and relatives proposed a toast to Ewa and Lukasz while we're eating and dancing) , vodka is drunk, and glasses are refilled in readiness for the next toast. So, during the party , the guest raised numerous of toast. There's no casual solitary sipping, its ALL or nothing every time. They say, vodka are often sweet and pleasant tasting, but can still kill an elephant at 20paces. TROLL!!! and another tip i read somewhere, do not tempted to fill in the time between toasts with a beer or a glass of wine , that way lies very messy but dimly recalled madness . cewah apekah aku bagi tips minum arak, astaga
and lagi satu pasal vodka, dorang akan prepare vodka ni at least 6 months , earlier than deciding wedding dresses and other less significant details. Presumably there was a time when vodka was in short supply , or ada lori vodka tumpah kt tengah jalan ke or any kind of reasons you can think of that causing short supply of vodka, the will be huge problem. ada possibility for the wedding to cancel. troll!! betapa pentingnya vodka dalam kehidupan mereka =='
8. Dance till midnight
and yeahhh, dancing is also a big deal of a Polish weddings, its like the women's vodka, trollll andd to make it more dramatic, this is my first time i dance in PUBLIC , excluding Malay type of dance i've performed during high school and so forth, tu belakang cerita ok. There were proper dancing, like in the movies, ballroom style dancing. They danced in pairs , with feet and everything. magoshh! so me ,kina ,farhana danced among the ladies, malu okes org tengok betapa kerasnya badanku menari. haha tapi it really was fun. Everyone was so friendly and inclusive so i was involved in a LOTTTT of dancing, kahkahkah. They played a lot of songs, even chicken dance song was included. So we rocked the dance floor!
9. The pork : babi Golekkk Bakarr
nothing much to say about this, dorang suka babi, ada babi golek mlm tu. tu je.kbai
10. The 00am : Throwing bouquets and ties
this is the most awaited event for those single women and men. lol. its the traditional 'Oczepiny' as it is called. Le bride will throw her veil or wedding bouquet (Ewa threw her veil that night) behind her while we're the single ladies were in a circle. They tune the music on and we walked in circle until the VJ shut the music and she threw her veil. The one who catches the veil/bouquet, according to the tradition ,will be the first to get married after this ceremony. fewwwhh sebaik tak dapat (dalam hati nak gk la skett trollll ) .Similarly, the groom throws his tie behind him, this way choosing a bachelor who will be the first to get married after the ceremony finished. So indirectly kantoi gak la sape yg tak kawen lagi time tu, sebaik saya masih berumur 2* tahun, ada juga orang yg 30an , takpe, jodoh itu milik Tuhan. acecehh.
11. Thanking the parents
After the Oczepiny, there is the thanking the parents speech- bride and groom prepare little speeches to thank their parents for bringing them up. it was a very emotional moment. Ewa and Lukasz are two nice person i've known, especially Ewa, and i think her parents has raised her very well. Martin and Angie are also very kind to me. ohh sayang giler kat dorang, baikk sgt okes!! *pehal aku pulak emosi* . They got some little gifts and flowers ,and they danced.
So, that is all i can say about Polish wedding.
Bloopers :
Ewa prepared us 2 comfortable rooms in the same hotel where wedding reception was held. huahua exclusive sangat, baik giler Ewa, thank youuuu! thank you sooo much for having us, tsk tskkkk
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muka batak |
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muka-muka excited , muka-muka lapar , muka-muka batak |
To Ewa and Lukasz ,
You are two beautiful people, now teamed as man and wife.
Congratulations on tying the knot!
i hope your life together will be filled with joy, happiness and lots of love.
As you start this new journey in life, may every day hold wonderful shared experiences.
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